CUE PhD Biweekly Friday Seminar

Updated Quantifying and Visualizing City Truck Route Network Efficiency Using a Virtual Testbed Presented by Haggai Davis, III

TransportationCamp 2023

TransportationCamp brings together thinkers and doers in transportation and technology. It’s not a traditional conference.  The core of TransportationCamp consists of presentations, discussions, and activities led and planned by attendees

ITE MET Section Student Mixer

During the lunchtime portion of TransportationCamp, members of the ITE Met Section student chapters can meet and chat! This will be a great opportunity to get to know interesting and

Internships at Kittelson

Kittelson interns work on a variety of real projects and build relationships with team members across the firm through project work, technical trainings, meet & greets, and a two-day SCOUT

Biweekly Coffee and Tea Break

C2SMART Center Viz Lab 6 Metrotech Center, Room 460, Brooklyn

Come stop by the C2SMART Data Viz Lab for some light refreshments!