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Research Impacts & Outputs

Explore papers and reports from C2SMARTER Principle Investigators on project outcomes, impacts, and advancements.

Peer-Reviewed Papers and Articles

C2SMARTER researchers and PIs submit and are published in a variety of conferences and journals. Get access to those publications here.

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Completed Research Reports

Every project funded by C2SMARTER must submit a final report summarizing research findings, advancements, and impacts. Peruse the complete collection of these reports here.

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Center Progress & Reporting

Find our annual reports, our UTC progress reports, and important guidelines for C2SMARTER researchers.

Annual reports

Every year, we release  an overview of the research, programs, events, and student activities. These reports are a great place to find out what we're doing and how to get involved.

See all reportsRead most recent report

UTC Documentation

In addition to completed research publications and papers, C2SMARTER produces several documents to meet USDOT University Transportation Center reporting guidelines as well as other publications to provide updates on the center’s recent activities. 

See all reports and guidelines


C2SMARTER publishes a newsletter every month, with updates on events, programming, publications, and C2SMARTER researchers in the news. It's also the best place to find information on new Student Hub programming, research funding opportunities, and Center-wide news.

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