Statewide Open Source Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) Software Research and Pilot


NYSDOT’s Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Strategic Plan identifies the need to upgrade NYSDOT’s existing ATMS software to establish more efficient enterprise-wide approaches to operating the State transportation system. One of the critical foundational systems that TSMO relies on to manage the transportation system is an Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). NYSDOT’s Transportation Management Centers (TMCs) rely on ATMS to operate field equipment such as sensors, detectors, cameras, Variable Message Signs (VMS) and signals. Currently, NYSDOT has deployed ATMS across the State at Regional TMCs with the goal to eventually reach a statewide ATMS while upgrading each Regional ATMS.

  • This project’s goal is to research, evaluate and test the ability and effectiveness of using open source ATMS software to center functionalities in a Regional TMC setting as a future procurement option to support the evolving TSMO program. The primary project objective is to deploy and operate an open source ATMS in the Region 1 TMC, for at least a 24-month period, in a cloud environment. The pilot objectives are to determine if the ATMS:
  • Can support and extend existing TMC tools and systems as outlined in this Scope of Services.
  • Is adaptable to routine TMC activities, including tracking incidents and operator actions.
  • Is intuitive and easily used by operators.
  • Has the ability of integrating new interfaces and data sources and provide and support third party center-to-center data sharing and communications to the TMC software.
  • Has data provisioning capability (output) sufficient to serve as an interim data broker, including supporting the 511NY data structure, and other situational awareness tools.
  • Infrastructure (platform) is scalable, reliable, modular, and can support the capacity needed for TMCs across the State.
  • Can utilize and efficiently leverage cloud technology under real-time conditions in a TMC environment.
  • Needs to be tested at other NYSDOT TMCs in the future.
  • Supports data archiving so that past data entered into the system can be reviewed.

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Kaan Ozbay

Director, C2SMART
Professor, NYU

Kaan Ozbay is a Co-Principal Investigator on this project.

Hang Dong

Researcher, NYU

Hang Dong is a Researcher on this project.

Jingqin Gao

Senior Research Associate, NYU

Jingqin Gao is a Researcher on this project.

John Petinos

Project Manager, C2SMART

John Petinos is a Project Manager on this project.

Bekir Bartin

Associate Professor, ÖZYEĞIN UNIVERSITY

Bekir Bartin is a Project Manager on this project.