The COVID-19 outbreak has dramatically changed travel behavior in cities across the world. With changed travel demand, economic activity, and social-distancing/stay-at-home policies, transportation systems have experienced an unprecedented shift in demand and usage. Since the start of the pandemic, the C2SMART research team has been collecting data and investigating the impact of COVID-19 on mobility and sociability, including:
- Passenger travel and freight traffic trends
- Mode shift and usage based on various policies
- Effect of social distancing policies on transit use and emissions
- Sidewalk, crosswalk, and intersection crowd density
- Effect of COVID-19 Policies on Transportation Systems
Research Objectives
Leveraging open data from multiple sources, this project developed a Sociability Data Dashboard which features both traditional and innovative techniques, such as data mining and visualization, agent-based traffic simulation model and real-time computer vision technique, to help researchers and transportation authorities understand and observe the impact of the pandemic on transportation.
To investigate crowd density and the effectiveness of social distancing strategies, C2SMART researchers have introduced a low-cost, AI-driven big data acquisition framework leveraging hundreds of traffic cameras along with a deep learning-based video processing method.
Object detection and distance approximation between pedestrian pairs are applied to traffic camera videos at multiple NYC and Seattle locations to analyze local social distancing patterns. This sociability board shows some examples of the application.
Related Media
A glance at crowd density during COVID-19 (Apr-May 2020)
For real-time analysis, please contact jingqin.gao@nyu.edu for more information.