Apply Now for the 2024 Outstanding Student of the Year Award!

Apply Now for the 2024 Outstanding Student of the Year Award!

This year, the C2SMARTER Center will acknowledge one student from any of its member institutions as a Student of the Year as chosen by the Center’s executive leadership committee. The chosen student will be acknowledged and awarded:

  • Cash prize of $2,000 and a Certificate of Achievement from USDOT
  • The cost of attendance for the 2025 101st Annual TRB Meeting in January 2025
  • Free registrations to the Council of University Transportation Centers Banquet

C2SMART’s 2022 Outstanding Student of the Year Winner – Lauren Brown


Selection will be based upon accomplishments in three areas: Technical Merit and Research Capability, Academic Performance, and Leadership. The following minimum requirements must also be met:

  • Eligible candidates must be an enrolled member of a C2SMARTER Consortium University.
  • Eligible candidates must have received financial support from the Center for at least two semesters prior to receiving the award.
  • Eligible candidates must have completed at least 12 hours of graduate course work at the time the selection is made, with a grade of B or higher, and have a graduate GPA in excess of 3.25 (out of 4.00).
  • Eligible candidates must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Eligible candidates must be available to attend the UTC banquet on January 4, 2025.
  • Previously selected recipients and recent graduates are not eligible.

To apply, students must complete the application form providing detailed answers to each of the specified questions. The responses should not exceed the provided length of the form (maximum of 2 pages). The student should also include the following attachments to the application:

  • Academic transcript and short vita and/or biographical sketch
  • Nomination letter from at least one faculty member
  • Copy of paper(s) written by the nominee 

Application Process

Once complete, the application form and attachments should be submitted electronically returned as a single PDF with the student’s last name followed by institution (e.g. Name_NYU.pdf) via email to their institution’s Center-affiliated director by the prescribed deadline of Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted, and there are no exceptions to this rule. The award winner will be notified by the Center in November 2024.

The Center-affiliated directors for each of the participating institutions are:

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